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There are two different ways to officially serve the organization through leadership. Those opportunities include serving as an officer or a chair. 


Perks of Serving as an Officer or Chair:

  • Valuable leadership experience which is a crucial part of your CV and graduate school application.

  • Be a part of a team and organization which supports each other.

  • Meet professionals and professors within the psychology community and foster relationships which lead to awesome opportunities.

  • Make important friendships and connections with your fellow psychology peers and provide them with important resources.

  • Have a "home" in the Heyne Building - the Psi Chi office!


Don't Forget:

  • Serving as an officer or chair is a commitment, but you have a whole team to lean on for support! Being an officer or chair is possible even with a full class schedule.

  • Incoming officers are trained by the outgoing officers to help you get started.

  • You do not have to have previous chair or officer experience to run.

  • There are 6 different positions you can run for! Talk with the current officer or chair to get an idea of their role and ask questions.


Don't miss out on this opportunity which sets you apart by showing your leadership abilities and dedication to your extra-curricular organizations. 

Officer Positions

Officers hold year long terms and officially represent and serve all members of the Psi Chi Honor Society and Psychology Club. As such, they must be Psi Chi Honor Society members.


Officer elections are held at the end of every Spring semester. Please check the calendar for event information or to access the ballot sign-up form. ​You may run for up to two officer positions, but may only serve in one officer position.


Officer positions require a weekly time commitment of about 5 hours per week. Officers attend weekly officer meetings, attend all club meetings and events, and complete 3 office hour a week along with your specific officer duties.




President: Organize general meetings, social events, complete all paperwork required to keep the organization registered, send club emails and updates, communicate with the international Psi Chi Honor Society office about membership, and tend to overall needs of the organization.​


Vice President: Plan inductions ceremony for each semester (catering, invitations, decor, guest speakers, venue, etc.), managing member points, assist other officers when needed.


Treasurer: Apply for funding from the university, upkeep of Psi Chi store (includes buying drinks and snacks on your spare time), organize food for meetings and socials, organize bake sales and other fundraisers. This position requires the officer to own a reliable vehicle.


Secretary: Process all applications for Psi Chi and Psychology Club, organize volunteer opportunities, take notes during meetings, organize and manage tutoring program.


Academic Affairs: Plan annual TPA conference trip in entirety, organize and run academic events.


Historian: Create newsletters, create flyers to advertise all events and meetings, upkeep of all social media accounts, create yearly scrapbook, take photos at all events and meetings.



You may only run for 2 positions. If elected, you will only serve 1.​

  1. Complete the officer application (this form is step 2)

  2. Give a speech at our 4th General Meeting (03/30) for members to vote 



  1. Be a UH student for the full academic year (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024)

  2. Be a current member of Psi Chi International Honor Society or will be accepted into the honor society this semester with no outstanding dues.

  3. To run for the President position, you must have previously served 1 year as officer

Chair Positions

Chairs hold semester long terms and can be Psi Chi Honor Society members or Psychology Club members. Chairs serve the essential function of supporting the current officer positions. Holding a chair position is excellent experience if you plan to run for an officer position in the future. 


Chair elections are held at the beginning of every semester, typically at the second meeting but sometimes sooner. Please check the calendar for event information or to access the ballot sign-up form. ​You may run for up to two chair positions, but may only serve in one chair position.


Chair positions require a weekly time commitment of about 3 hours per week. Chairs attend a total of 3 officer meetings (time and date vary per semester. Please click the ballot below to know what time and day), attend all club meetings and events, complete 1 office hour a week, and all chairs are required to attend inductions.




President’s Chair: Assists with social events, general meetings, and overall needs of the organization.


Vice President’s Chair: Assists with planning inductions and member point tracking.


Treasurer’s Chair: Assists with fundraising efforts, bake sales, and maintaining Psi Chi store.


Secretary’s Chair: Assists with applications, volunteer events, and tutoring program.


Academic Affairs’ Chair: Assists with academic events and SWPA planning.


Historian’s Chair: Assists with Psychobabble, taking pictures at events, and creating promotional material.




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