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Psi Chi Tutoring Program

The UH Chapter of the Psi Chi International Honor Society is proud to provide tutoring services to students for most of the major psychology courses offered here at UH. Our tutoring program works to connect you with volunteer student tutors who are Psi Chi Honor Society/Psychology Club members that made at least an A- in the course. 


Tutoring will be available online or in person depending on your preference.


A few reminders:


  • Tutoring is scheduled at the tutor's availability and may not always be available. 

  • We recommend reaching out to us about tutoring at least one week before you would like to have the tutoring session.

  • Waiting until just days before your test to contact us about tutoring will not work out, as we often cannot find tutors with last minute availability. 


We generally offer tutoring in the following classes:


  • General Psychology

  • Research Methods

  • Social Psychology

  • Psychological Statistics

  • I/O Psychology

  • Psychology of Personality

  • Physiological Psychology 

  • Cognitive Psychology


To schedule a tutoring session, please complete the below form: 




Want to be

a tutor?

Read below!

How to Become a Tutor



Being a tutor in the Psi Chi Honor Society/Psychology Club Tutoring Program is a rewarding and fun experience.


  • Tutors earn 50 points per 1 hour session which helps to reduce their semester dues.

  • Flexible! Tutors pick their own tutoring schedule.

  • Great addition to your resume or CV.




  • Be in Psychology Club and/or Psi Chi Honor Society

  • Make at least an A- in the courses you wish to tutor for.


To sign up to become a tutor, please complete the below form:




Thank you! You will be contacted by email to confirm your status as a tutor.

How to Report Points for Tutoring: 

Tutors, to earn points for tutoring please click here.




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